Seacliff Tennis Club subscriptions are increasing this summer due to our additional running costs, membership numbers and the amount of volunteer work that is required around the club. A way of offsetting this for members is through the volunteer incentive programme, whereby you will be eligible for a rebate of $30 at the end of the summer season, on completion of 4 hours of volunteer work.
We emphasise the importance of members' assistance to help us run a successful Club. Without members’ assistance, the Committee simply cannot keep running peak events, the canteen and maintaining a highly successful Club.
We would like members/parents to volunteer at the start of the summer season so that we can best utilise your skills and organise rosters so that it will be at a convenient time for you.
Some Key (management or asterisk jobs) will require more than 4 hours work and your rebate will be applied in the first week of November once you have had confirmation of your role. Other jobs, maybe an hour or two at a time, so after 4 hours of work confirmed by the Volunteer Co-Ordinator your rebate will be applied at the end of the season.
Please pay your appropriate subscriptions as indicated under Membership Fees on the Seacliff Tennis Club website and rebates will be provided as indicated above.